Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hi, my name is....(Insert Label Here)

A couple of days ago I was talking to an ex-boyfriend of mine. An ex that I still get along with very well, that I still care about very much, and an ex that would stand up for me in every horrible situation that I ever ran into. We were having a nice conversation when he told me something that unexpectedly upset me. It still upsets me enough to right a blog about it.

What my ex told me was that a mutual friend of ours, or what I thought was a friend of mine had indirectly made a comment about me. The comment that he made was in front of a large group of people and was about my ex but in reference to me, He said that my ex liked "fat chicks." I know that I am the only larger girl that my ex had ever dated, so I know that comment was strictly directed at me. 

I had known this guy for about 2 years, we went snowmobiling together, had long conversations about cars, 4 name it. He knew me pretty well, he knew that I am more then just a "fat chick"

That's when it hit me that this comment really bothered me. I usually just let stuff like that roll of my back and I don't put anymore thought into it. This time I couldn't just let it go. This time I was offended. I consider myself to be a farely, how do I put it, deep/ complex person. I am told I have a good personality and I have many interests.... I am more then just a fat chick. There are so many people that are labeled that are more then just what they are labeled. And I hate to think that people are letting these labels define them.

I am more then just a fat chick. I don't deny at all that I am a fat chick, but I am so very much more then that. I am caring. I am a best friend. I am a car chick. I am a girly girl. I am a party girl. I am so much more then a lot of people will ever know because they don't look past the surface to get to know me...... I am HUMAN!

I know that there are labels that girls are given that aren't negative, labels that they let define them. "The pretty girl" The smart girl" "The athletic girl"  These labels are all great but you should never limit yourself to those labels. Just because you wear one of those labels doesn't mean that you can't do something out of character. It doesn't mean that you can't wear more then one label. Wear as many labels as you want, be as many things as you want to be. Never let anyone define who you are, YOU define who you are.

So yes, I am a fat chick. That to me isn't negative. What is negative is that that this particular person chose to imply that "FAT CHICK" was the only thing that I am. Well, I am sorry buddy, but I am more then just a fat chick. I am a lot of great things all rolled into one. And if you only choose to see me as the fat chick then it is you that loses in the end. Call me what you want, define me as you wish, however in the end it's me that chooses what I am.


  1. You tell them Jodi! You are the most beautiful person that I know! Literally you are inside and out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Not to sound lesbian or anything, but when I saw your picture, I thought "wow, she's pretty hot". All I noticed was your beautiful face, so when I read this post, all I thought was, the guy who called you that is one big moron. People put way too much value in weight and looks.

  3. awww thank you Hannah. and I agree, he is a moron! lol
